十分刺激!由Terence策劃,Daddy和我攜手行動,一招引蛇出洞以Daddy做餌,讓爸爸先行到了橫頭磡的"老年痴呆協會" 那兒,於是我就有藉口說帶媽媽找爸爸,媽媽於是就半推半就半賣半送的被引入那個中心了。和媽媽一起參加了中心的11:00 - 12:00和2:15 - 3:30活動。驟眼看來中心的環境很新很清潔,工作人員似乎很專業,其他的病人也好像很精神,沒有像一些老人中心那麼死氣沉沉的。11:00的活動是'現實引導',於是工作人員就以今日是農曆12月12日開始談到"尾牙", 跟著說"過年"的東西。午餐後,再來玩1小時的啤牌(10點半),跟著是叫病者辨認圖型和塗色。之前一些病者好像很正常,沒有甚麼認知不正常的樣子,但到了2:00玩啤牌時就慢慢都看出病徵來了...不過大部份人都很友善,也會互相鼓勵,很supportive,也很明白現在的媽媽仍在抗拒,所以老是不看人不說話。
為Habitat for Humanity作翻譯
Motorola C650免費擁有
這部機除了可以拍照外,更可用Mp3 Ringtone,花了幾天終於明白如何用這些ringtone (千萬不要用它的driver送的editor來cut mp3,一定要用自己的editor如sonic foundry就是一個非常易用的選擇),真的好玩!甚麼歌也可以用來作ringtone,實在叫人興奮!我於是貪玩的做了三首ringtone...其中一首更是我們4 dimension比賽用的歌,那首Thoing Thoing響起來真的忍不住要mark舞要跳!哈哈哈...
- 媽媽懂得用紙巾而不是用手袖抹鼻
- 媽媽肯關門去廁所
- 媽媽願意跟我上街走路
- 媽媽好像有聽我說話
- 多一點的睡眠時間
每一天,她都是用喊叫的聲浪向外宣佈自己的喜好和意見 - "我唔飲茶架...我唔食魚架...我好肚餓呀...我飽啦...玉琴的飯好難食呀...你老豆唔返來啦...我仲有兩日藥咋...我聽日先沖涼架" 很大聲的說,我有點想把它錄下來作我的短訊聲音呢。我真壞。
- 媽媽懂得用紙巾而不是用手袖抹鼻
- 媽媽肯關門去廁所
- 媽媽願意跟我上街走路
- 媽媽好像有聽我說話
- 多一點的睡眠時間
每一天,她都是用喊叫的聲浪向外宣佈自己的喜好和意見 - "我唔飲茶架...我唔食魚架...我好肚餓呀...我飽啦...玉琴的飯好難食呀...你老豆唔返來啦...我仲有兩日藥咋...我聽日先沖涼架" 很大聲的說,我有點想把它錄下來作我的短訊聲音呢。我真壞。
Sting - "Inside"的歌詞
前幾天在Star看了Sting 的All This Time "Live", 此子的現場功力比灌錄高出數倍,聽者動容,甘拜下風。Inside的歌詞更是動人,當我與媽媽拉鋸後再聽,竟有一陣澎湃的思潮,甚有迫力!
Inside the doors are sealed to love,
Inside my heart is sleeping
Inside the fingers of my glove,
Inside the bones of my right hand
Inside it's colder than the stars,
Inside the dogs are weeping
Inside the circus of the winds
Inside the clocks are filled with sand
Inside she'll never hurt me,
Inside the winter's creeping
Inside the compass of the night,
Inside the folding of the land
Outside the stars are turning
Outside the world's still burning
Inside my head's a box of stars i never dared to open
Inside the wounded hide their scars, inside this lonesome sparrow's fall
Inside the songs of our defeat, they sing of treaties broken
Inside this army's in retreat, we hide beneath the thunder's call
Outside the rain keeps falling
Outside the drums are calling
Outside the flood won't wait
Outside they're hammering down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion,
Love is the fire of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
A violation, a mutilation, capitulation, love is annihilation, annihilation.
Inside the failures of the light, the night is wrapped around me
Inside my eyes deny their sight, you'd never find me in this place
Inside we're hidden from the moonlight, we shift between the shadows
Inside the compass of the night, inside the memory of your face
Outside the walls are shaking
Inside the dogs are waking
Outside the hurricane won't wait
Inside they're howling down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion,
Love is the fire at the end of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
The pain of instruction
Love is a violation, a mutilation, capitulation,
Love is annihilation.
I climb this tower inside my head
A spiral stair above my bed
I dream the stairs don't ask me why,
I throw myself into the sky
Love me like a baby, love me like an only child
Love me like an ocean; love me like a mother mild
Love me like a father, love me like a prodigal son
Love me like a sister, love me like the world has just begun
Love me like a prodigy, love me like an idiot boy,
Love me like an innocent, love me like your favorite toy
Love me like a virgin, love me like a courtesan,
Love me like a sinner, love me like a dying man.
Annihilate me, infiltrate me, incinerate me, accelerate me, mutilate me,
Inundate me, violate me, implicate me, vindicate me, devastate me
Love me like a parasite, love me like a dying sun
Love me like a criminal, love me like a man on the run
Radiate me, subjugate me, incubate me, recreate me, demarcate me, educate me,
Punctuate me, evaluate me, conjugate me, impregnate me, designate me,
Humiliate me, segregate me, opiate me, calibrate me, replicate me
Inside the doors are sealed to love,
Inside my heart is sleeping
Inside the fingers of my glove,
Inside the bones of my right hand
Inside it's colder than the stars,
Inside the dogs are weeping
Inside the circus of the winds
Inside the clocks are filled with sand
Inside she'll never hurt me,
Inside the winter's creeping
Inside the compass of the night,
Inside the folding of the land
Outside the stars are turning
Outside the world's still burning
Inside my head's a box of stars i never dared to open
Inside the wounded hide their scars, inside this lonesome sparrow's fall
Inside the songs of our defeat, they sing of treaties broken
Inside this army's in retreat, we hide beneath the thunder's call
Outside the rain keeps falling
Outside the drums are calling
Outside the flood won't wait
Outside they're hammering down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion,
Love is the fire of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
A violation, a mutilation, capitulation, love is annihilation, annihilation.
Inside the failures of the light, the night is wrapped around me
Inside my eyes deny their sight, you'd never find me in this place
Inside we're hidden from the moonlight, we shift between the shadows
Inside the compass of the night, inside the memory of your face
Outside the walls are shaking
Inside the dogs are waking
Outside the hurricane won't wait
Inside they're howling down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion,
Love is the fire at the end of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
The pain of instruction
Love is a violation, a mutilation, capitulation,
Love is annihilation.
I climb this tower inside my head
A spiral stair above my bed
I dream the stairs don't ask me why,
I throw myself into the sky
Love me like a baby, love me like an only child
Love me like an ocean; love me like a mother mild
Love me like a father, love me like a prodigal son
Love me like a sister, love me like the world has just begun
Love me like a prodigy, love me like an idiot boy,
Love me like an innocent, love me like your favorite toy
Love me like a virgin, love me like a courtesan,
Love me like a sinner, love me like a dying man.
Annihilate me, infiltrate me, incinerate me, accelerate me, mutilate me,
Inundate me, violate me, implicate me, vindicate me, devastate me
Love me like a parasite, love me like a dying sun
Love me like a criminal, love me like a man on the run
Radiate me, subjugate me, incubate me, recreate me, demarcate me, educate me,
Punctuate me, evaluate me, conjugate me, impregnate me, designate me,
Humiliate me, segregate me, opiate me, calibrate me, replicate me
The Stripes 表演網上免費觀賞
無意中給我在 Tap Web http://tapweb.8m.net/ 中看到這個"Stripes"的日本舞團表演,原來北野武的"盲俠座頭市"的結尾有一段精彩的Tap,就是由Stripes表演的,而這個網站將整場「座頭市Tap Night」的演出放了上網 (http://theater.nifty.com/zatoichi/event/),讓人免費看streaming video,只要是寬頻的話,按"1M"就能看到VCD質素的video了,即使full screen也很穩定清晰。

為了今天決賽效果更好,花了3小時和$120在髮廊弄了這個駁髮--其實只是辮子加入毛線(這是後來在家中和老公拍下的!),效果真的不錯,我的樣子看來真的好像鬼妹,有些朋友竟然認不出我,在女人街走過也有數家檔主在對我說:"hello hello come here"呢...嘻嘻!
其實今天的表現是比上次初賽好,Fanny加入新的一段"上海灘"feel的"姣"慢舞也不錯,感覺做到了,然而不知為甚麼到了後來快舞那段突然發台瘟,竟然突然total失憶了三秒...其實之前這段已經跳過好幾次,從來沒有問題,完全不知道為甚麼會突然失憶的 ---這就是真正的發台瘟吧!唉...幸好我只發了三秒,跟著很快就繼續跳下去至結尾,後來也算是可以發到應有的力。
我在想:那天看espn,超級世界冰后Michelle Kwan也會突然屁股著地,但依然取得冠軍,我想我只要在犯錯那一刻盡快改善,盡快回後狀態就可以了,這就是經驗吧!
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